Do u know how to open .ktx file
hi i know program to open .ktx file (image)on windows can using pico pixel, but i cant find another program on mac OS to open it,, anyone else know how to open it? (without bootcamp windows pls)
hi i know program to open .ktx file (image)on windows can using pico pixel, but i cant find another program on mac OS to open it,, anyone else know how to open it? (without bootcamp windows pls)
There may be a third-party image converter that may be able to change
the file, however there are a few and I'm not sure which one may do that.
Some applications may be able to cross-platform open or change them.
If the item could be handled in Microsoft Word or Google Apps there may
be a way to utilize content (converted elsewhere) in a Mac OS X.
Perhaps someone with exact experience will reply...
Good luck! 🙂
No idea if this runs in El Capitan…
there is also this… 0
FWIW, I suspect the first link I posted is not what you are looking for.
what happen with 1st link?
hanstaa wrote:
what happen with 1st link?
The first link points to a pixel based graphics editor.
KTX is a format for storing textures for OpenGL and OpenGL ES applications. The second link points to a package that can work with .ktx files.
Do u know how to open .ktx file