Latest iTunes on Windows 8.1 broken
I've tried asking the internet at large, and can't come up with any answers there, so here I am. I just installed iTunes on my laptop - never installed on this system before. I'm running Windows 8.1. At first I tried previous versions, as I didn't like where the design was headed from iTunes 10 to 11, and figured 12 wouldn't agree with me. I tried 10.6.something, and on opening the installed program, had a clear window. The basic outline of a window, that is, with the appropriate drop-shadows, but nothing actually there. I tried 11.something, same thing. Gave in and used the most recent installer from Apple, for iTunes; totally different problem now. Now, it opens just fine, and there's a window that's clearly iTunes - but I can't interact with it properly. Rather, anything I do (right-clicking, going after the minimize button, etc.) works, but the window never updates if I scroll or click on a different icon within the program. Minimizing it and then expanding it again leaves me with a purely white box that I can still right-click in and have things pertaining to specific music tracks show up. I really don't understand why it's doing this, and I'm only back to iTunes because for whatever reason importing my whole library to Winamp didn't leave me with tracks that actually existed.
I've tried creating a new iTunes library. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling. I've tried opening iTunes in its safe mode (shift + control). The window still isn't properly interactable and doesn't update based on what I'm doing in it. I hope someone can help.
Windows 8, Acer laptop