move photos to Dropbox
How can I move my photos to dropbox from my Macbook Pro?
iPhone 4S
How can I move my photos to dropbox from my Macbook Pro?
iPhone 4S
Select them in Photos and export (file menu ==> export) to the drop box upload folder or export to a desktop folder and upload to DB from there
I'm from PicBackMan team, we have our product named 'PicBackMan' ( which will allow you to upload your Apple Photos or iPhoto library to Dropbox.
You need to go through following steps:
1.Download & install PicBackMan into your Mac.
2).Once registration done, go to 'Account' tab of the application.
3).Connect your Dropbox account. (We use oAuth)
4).Go to 'Photo' tab, click on 'Associate Apple Photos' button.
5).Go to Apple Photos location and select/click on the icon of Apple Photos.
6).Check the checkbox corresponds to Dropbox. Hit 'Upload' button.
7).PicBackMan will pick up all your files and upload them to Dropbox automatically.
You need not to extract or export folders from Photos library. Just select the whole library.
Note: PicBackMan will create the same folder hierarchy on Dropbox according to your Photos library structure.
In case if you need any help or have any query feel free to write us at, we help you right away!
How can I move my photos to dropbox from my Macbook Pro?
What do you want to achieve? Do you want to store your Photos Library in DropBox to be sharing the library? That is not supported. The syncing of the DropBox folder will corrupt the library. I've tried it with several test libraries and none of them survived.
The iPhoto Importer to copy events to DropBox does not work for Photos for Mac: See the DropBox Help page:
But you can upload photos as Larry described, just not mirror the structure of your Photos library easily.
If I just wanted to use Dropbox as a backup (versus sharing the Photos Library amongst multiple macs) for a single Photos application on on iMac, are there any issues with my Photos library residing under Dropbox in my Finder? Asked another way, is Dropbox is it a ROBUST Photos backup alternative used this (single application )way?
Yes there are many issues - bottom line is that it does not work - you can move photos to DropBox but not the Photos library - the Photos library must always be on a volume formatted Mac OS extended (journaled) and DB does not meet that - a number of people have tested and all reported tests have failed, none have been successful
As Léonie posted
That is not supported. The syncing of the DropBox folder will corrupt the library. I've tried it with several test libraries and none of them survived.
seems really clear
Definitely, a Photos library in Dropbox may be damaged. You cannot use it for backup. what would be the use of a damaged backup?
When I originally posted here, Apple had not yet confirmed this, but since then Apple published a warning:
If you store your Photos library in a location that's part of a cloud service (for example, Dropbox, Box, or Google Drive), your library might be damaged by the syncing process. As a result, you could lose photos.
To see your photos on all your devices, you can use iCloud Photo Library. To back up your library, you can use Time Machine.
move photos to Dropbox