Deals4u wrote:
I bought a phone from a app called OfferUp and it has remote management on it.
Not sure of the context; what you’re asking about, or commenting about.
Probably better to start your own thread in an iOS community, as this thread is focused on some specific macOS apps and tools, and not those of iOS.
If yiu’re referring to available tools, iOS clients for remote screen sharing have been available from the app store for a while. Also some remote monitoring and other related tools. I’ve used several of these apps, both for screen sharing with macOS and for other remote management tasks, as well apps that provide telnet and ssh clients for command line of remote servers.
Inventory and related tracking and security tasks are usually part of an MDM package, if you’re administering a bunch of iOS cliente.
If the phone is iOS and you want rid of the package or monitoring, delete the app. If the phone security has been somehow compromised and won’t or can’t delete the app, use DFU to reload the phone from iTunes.
I’d also have a chat with whoever sold the phone, as there might be more going on here. Some of the phones acquired through online auction services and similar sales channels have been lost by or stolen from their original owners, and some of those phones remain activation-locked to the original owner's Apple ID. If that’s the case here, then the only way to clear that lock is via Apple and/or the original owner, and Apple is going to want to see ID or other proof and that’ll probably also involve local police, too. DFU will not clear activation lock.
This iOS activation lock is also completely unrelated to macOS and to the Apple Remote Desktop app; to this community.