Is the printer capable of using a built-in wireless channel instead of USB cable?
Also, try a new printer cable.
Sometimes you can correct printer issues by trying the original setup instruction
for the Mac OS X which accompanied the printer. Once the printer is set up, any
Mac that has drivers, and some that don't, should be able to print. Especially if
the model Epson has air-print or bonjour capabilities; as my Epson 845 has.
The 'geek guys' at a certain store told me to download a huge Epson driver file
(over 1GB) so I could get a printer bought there to work with my OS X; none of
those drivers were necessary; the answer was in set-up.
As some peripherals may not be supported going forward, there may be issue
with drivers at some point. Feature sets can be affected by use of newer drivers
for older printers; I've found some of my great printers are hobbled by new drivers.
And there are no correct old ones that carry the great original features forward.
So at some point, you may have to carefully choose a different new printer that
hopefully can give you compatible useful printing and good feature support in
the newest operating system. Or keep an old Mac + OS X on-hand to print from.
Perhaps someone has a reasonably workable resolution to this problem... 😐