iPad won't connect to WiFi - but other devices do
My husband installed a new router 3 weeks ago and 3 of the 4 iPads in our house plus all the Macs and PCs and laptops connected instantly. For some reason my iPad did not. My iPad had all the most recent updates and was not the newest or the oldest iPad. I triple checked the password. I shut down. I turned wifi on and off and forgot the old networks. Nothing worked and none of the user forums were useful. None of the tech people in my house or at work could figure this out.
Today, I noticed that my laptop had a wifi security setting of WPA2. So I went back into the ipad to give it a try. IT WORKED!!!
Here's exactly what I did
1. Go into WiFi.
2. If the network comes up, Do NOT select it.
3. Go into Other Network and type in the name of the network.
4. On the line that says Security, click the arrow to the right. The choices will be
- None
- WPA2
- WPA Enterprise
- WPA2 Enterprise
Select WPA2
That's it. You're done. It should work beautifully now.
If this saves even one person my 3 weeks of agony, it was worth the 5 minutes it took to write it.
Good luck
To any Apple employees reading this - please - for the love of your customers - fix these kinds of things. I love my apple products, but this brought me close to the edge.
iPad, iOS 9.3.1