Can't get folder action to work
I just upgraded from 10.8 to 10.11. On my 10.8 system I had various workflows that each monitored the same folder and moved files to appropriate subfiles based on the kind of file they were (based on their extensions). I can't get these to work now. I write a lot of AppleScripts, and work with other kinds of automation, but haven't done much with Automator. I've read lots of articles on the web, but I'm not convinced that what they are saying isn't just too old to be applicable to El Capitan. In any case, their instructions don't seem to work for me.
First of all, I am confused about where these scripts go. If they are in ~/Library/Scrpts/Folder Action Scripts, I can use the AppleScript icon on the menubar to attach the workflow to a specific folder. However, if i open the workflow in Automator, as it opens I am asked whether I want to install the workflow, in which case it moves the workflow to ~/Library/Workflows/Applications/Folder Actions.
Then, I can step through these simple scripts, and everything looks OK, but the files don't get moved. Here is an example, which has to be just about the simplest file-processing script possible.
I am also confused about why I am receiving files from a specific folder — how my old scripts worked: cisn't there a way to generalize this so I can install the same workflow on more than one folder?
I've read lots
I feel really dumb. Save me, please! Maybe answers will help other people looking to make Automator scripts work.
MacBook Pro, OS X El Capitan (10.11.4), Hi-Res anti-glare wide screen