Can Text Replacement apply paragraphs, tabs, styles?
1. Is it possible to apply paragraph returns, or tabs or text styles to text in Settings Keyboard Text Replacement shortcuts to create, for example, a 2 line address:
123 Main Street
New York, NY 100012
In Word for example or some macro programs, you use ^p to create a paragraph return. So to create the 2 line address above, you'd type into your string or macro:
123 Main Street^pNew York, NY 100012
BTW, Tab = ^t
2. Also while we're discussing shortcuts, I've noticed for awhile we can't use macros to input passwords in password fields all the time now. Seems like this would be to ward off inputs by bots? Or is there a way to circumvent this so we can use macros to input passwords in password fields?
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.5), 2013 model