iOS update affects storage?
I have been thinking about this for quite a long time now.
Does ios updates use up memory? I mean, when i look at the storage usage list, in case theres a new update, its says new update ios x.x.x ~400 mb.
So, if i deciede to update, will i forever have 400mb less storage to use?
And if i update again, and again and again... Will i run out of storage just by updating?
Or does ios delete older ios scripts (or whatever its called) it doesnt need?
For example if i use ios 9, and i have had ios 7, is ios 7 still in the phone?
And if I have had ios 9 and now i have ios 9.0.1?
I have seen somewhere, "update with itunes on your desktop and save alot of storage!!", is that true?