Inverted colors option is actually inverted itself PLEASE HELP
The inverted color option on my iPhone is actually reversed. When the option is "off" my phone is in inverted colors. When the option is "on" my phone displays like normal. Now this shouldn't to be too big of a problem because I could just leave the inverted color option "on" and my phone will display like normal. The problem is because my phone has these options backwards I can not use nighttime mode WHICH I LOVE!!! When I try to activate nighttime mode it tells me it will disable iinverted colors and greyscale in order to activate. Which in turn my phone goes inverted and the frustration begins. Please help!!!! Someone anyone HELP HELP HELP. I've tried hit the button really fast maybe it would flip around. I've erased my phone and reset it, still nothing.
iPhone 5s, iOS 9.3.2