Macbook clock is wrong
I have tried fixing it but nothing works. What the **** is wrong with my macbook?!!!
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10)
I have tried fixing it but nothing works. What the **** is wrong with my macbook?!!!
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10)
I've already tried that - didn't fix it
I've already tried that - didn't fix it
Was off by months - the clock reset to midnight 1st of January - now off by minutes - I had to manually change it so I could use the Internet (it was throwing up certificate errors because the date was wrong).
I've tried selecting set the date/time automatically, allowing mac to use my location etc. but it's not setting the clock to the correctly
Please open system preferences > date and time > open the pad lock by entering user name & password .
1. Select date and time enable date and time automatically : there are four options when you click drop down arrow
Apple Europe( choose the correct option for the country ( the country you belong to must be correct ).
After selecting the option enable the box : set time and date automatically .
Then select time zone : enable set time zone automatically using current location .
Let's check if the time server can be reached from your MBP. Open the Network Utility, select the Ping tab, type in the top field and click on Ping. What result(s) do you get?
off by a few minutes, or off by Hours, or off by years?
and what have you already done in an attempt to fix it?
I've tried sudo ntpdate -u and I get the response:
"can't find host"
As I've already said none of that works
Click on go > macintosh HD > library > preferences > right click on the plist and move it to trash .
Restart from apple logo & empty the trash .
So turns out it's BT blocking Apple's NTP servers - has affected people with Apple TVs and now my Macbook. And BT can't seem to fix it
BT is British Telecom?
Apparently it should be possible to choose an alternative time server:
You can do a Google search for options.
That won't work...
As I've already said it's the NTP server that's being blocked not the local Mac settings
To be honest I'm just chasing my broadband supplier to fix the issue because this is going to affect more users if they don't sort it out
Macbook clock is wrong