Safari 9.1.1 on OS 10.11.5 - Safari is not loading certain plugins on at least 2 websites. a wordpress website - homepage slide show not working - rapidweaver website - plug ins glitchy - runs perfectly on Chrome
Mac Pro mid 2012 - Processor 3.33 Ghz 6-core Intel Xeon - Memory 20 Gb 1333 MHz DDR3 ECC- Graphics ARI Radeon HD 5870 1024 MB - Just upgraded to El Capitan 2 weeks ago - a little glitchy- Have had Mail quit unexpectedly about 4 times - Finder has also quit unexpectedly.
Have not had any issues with Safari 9.1.1 until yesterday. Checked it on 3 computers - each website had the same result.
Both websites are mine. - wordpress website is not loading the homepage slide show. and the dashboard posts section is not loading properly. spinning wheel of death on some of the plugins. is a rapidweaver 5 website - up to date - butt the plug-ins are not working on it either.
Google Chrome runs perfectly but I am a Safari user. Please help.
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), Processor 3.33 GHz 6-core Intel Xeo