Airport Extreme Local File Server - Restrict access to some files/folders and terrible write speeds
I have an Airport Extreme 802.11n model, and a Western Digital 160GB HDD hooked up to it via USB 2. My first question is about the write speeds. The read speed is great. I can stream a 1080p video at 60fps with no lagg off the Airport Extreme with the HDD. But, the write speeds made me cringe. They were about 0.1 to 0.2 Megabytes per second, and, sometimes, the thing would just hang, and when I tried to stop the copy/file transfer, it would glitch out the finder, and result in me restarting my Mac and the Airport Extreme entirely. It stinks. Any suggestions/fixes?
Second thing: Is there a way to create a second partition on the drive that requires a different password from the other? Or a way to make certain files/folders on the server password protected?
Thank you for your time.
Anything helps,
Mac Pro, OS X El Capitan (10.11.5), Late 2012, also running OS X 10.6.8