Depending on the content of the file, you may not
have to defined it to bigger than A4 size. Just
define it as A4, and when you print it, make sure the
printer scales it up to the size you want.
Text and vector graphics will look perfectly fine.
Bitmap images should also look fine, provided they
are scaled down high resolution images - I guess.
Hi Magnus (and Peggy 🙂 )
Yeah, scaling up- that should do it. It would be printed anyway at a printer's. I can only do A4 here. I'm just worried about pixelation. But we shall see.
I also noticed (while I was using Intaglio) that the printer sizes apply for all applications, but there is a option at the bottom of the list to apply custom sizes. I'll try that.
Peggy, have a look at this;
It could be quite useful for you 🙂
- Now I only wish Apple would give us Brits a 'British English' option %)