USB driver for serial comm (FTDI)
I’m on Mavericks (10.9.5) and fighting with a USB device with a “FT232R” chip (from FTDI) for USB to serial conversion.
It was not accessible in OS X (e.g. QuickTerm didn’t list it, only the Bluetooth Port + Modem).
Using an old Windows (in a Parallels VM on the same Mac) I could (and still can) access the device, switch it back and forth between OS X and Win, and send commands to it using a terminal SW.
In OS X it seems to be unknown, however, the USB Device Tree reports the FT232R USB UART correctly with Product ID and Vendor ID from FTDI.
But I want to get rid of the Win (VM) solution and installed the FTDI driver for Mac, didn’t work.
As suggested by FTDI for Mavericks
I have also disabled (renamed) the AppleUSBFTDI.kext, restarted and installed the FTDI driver (version 2.3, signed by Apple). The installer always tells me “success” but I still can’t see the driver /System/Library/Extensions/FTDIUSBSerialDriver.kext (should it be there?) and the device isn’t accessible from OS X.
I’ve tried again and again, there is no FTDI or USBSerial device listed in /dev when I plug it in or switch it back from Win - I guess because the (OS X) driver isn’t correctly installed?
Could someone help, please?
(I have little knowledge in OS X)
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), USB serial adapter FTDI (FT232R)