DNS Services using way more data than before with iOS 10?
I upgraded to iOS 10 since the GM became available.
Some days ago I noticed a spike in my data usage on my carrier's report, and I went to check on the iPhone what was causing this. To my surprise, the culprit was DNS Services. Of the 515Mb I had consumed since the last reset (I reset it the same day as my carrier, which was on Sept 13th) 466Mb were DNS Services.
On the carrier's app I see that on Sept 16th there were 490Mb consumed, vs an average of 15-20Mb per day. So I assume most of those 466Mb were made that day.
Now, 466Mb of DNS requests are something like 5 billion requests. I was without WiFi connectivity that day for a total of maybe 90 minutes. In that time I did not use the iPhone except to hear music (60 minutes walking the dog, another 30 on the car). I can't figure out how or what made those requests.
I reseted the Network settings that day, and things have gone back to "normal". Except that today I can see that there are another 20Mb of DNS requests being made since the 16th. 20Mb of DNS requests are still *a lot*.
Has anybody else noticed an increased amount of DNS requests with the iOS 10?
Now, the strange part is that everything was normal before the 16th. And I installed the GM the day it came out (which was... 1 week or so before?) and I was on the betas since weeks before. I can't remember or see anything different or special being made on the 16th. Some days before, IIRC, there were some carrier updates, but why or how that would produce such an increase in DNS requests?
I tried talking with Apple Support, but the girl whom I was talking with just told me incorrect and illogical stuff, and got offended when I asked if she knew what a DNS request was, and closed the chat session. I am guessing I wont get any help there.
iPhone 6s, iOS 10