Error 27, iPhone stuck in recovery mode!! Please help
i have my iphone stuck now in recovery mode
before i had many problems it was not upgrading from iOS 9.3.2 to 9.3.5, some apps were not working anymore at all.
than ios 10 came out i was asked to put it in recovery mode without having a back up.
and now here we are stuck on redovery mode with all my data on it i tried and bought some third party apps with none of them working and i am getting the (error 27) which is a hardware problem.
so i read some articles saying it could be maybe a battery or other hardware problem!?
i Would like to ask you guys after i am in this problem for more than a month because it is a nightmare to me to lose all my data and memories, is there any solution to this problem? Does replacing the battery will work?
And thanks guys!!
iPhone 6s Plus