Mail Not Remembering to Trust Certificate for SMTP Server
Ever since I updated to macOS Sierra, Mail is not recognizing the certificate for my IMAP-based e-mail account. See attached.
If I click on 'Show Certificate' and then I place a checkmark under 'Always trust "name of certificate" when connecting to " of server", and afterwards I clock on 'Continue', everything will work well until I close Mail. Then, when I restart Mail, I have to go through the same cycle again and again. very frustrating.
It also takes 1-2 minutes from the moment I try to send the first e-mail until I get the error about the certificate. several times I thought an e-mail was sent, only to return a few hours later to the computer to discover the error.
What did Apple do that Mail does not remember the 'Always trust...' this certificate option any longer? This never happened to me before, on many previous versions of OS X? Could this annoying issue be fixed?
Note that my IMAP works account perfectly well on my iPad Pro and iPhone 6+.
Thank you.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, macOS Sierra (10.12.1), i7 2.6GHz, 16GB, 1TB SSD