How to schedule an appointment at apple store
How do I schedule an appointment at apple store
iPhone 7 Plus, iOS 10.0.1
How do I schedule an appointment at apple store
iPhone 7 Plus, iOS 10.0.1
I am in MI for just a few days and need an appointment with a teck for your old apple.....Les Kern
I was hoping the 18th of March...
**** office or cell ****
<Personal Information Edited by Host>
mattdylty123 wrote:
make me an appt at apple store northrige
No-one here can make an appointment for you.
You are not talking to Apple here - this is a user-based technical support community.
See my previous reply.
I have a easier time scheduling with the help of an Apple Tech.
I think the easiest thing to do ... without going through the links are just to write down the specific points the tech gives. Find the links way to cumbersome and for the most part they loop me back to things I do not need.
Then follow the same instructions as in my previous reply.
They are the same for everyone.
You are not talking to Apple here - this is a user-based technical support community. No-one here can make an appointment for you.
Then follow the same instructions as in my previous reply.
They are the same for everyone.
You are not talking to Apple here - this is a user-based technical support community. No-one here can make an appointment for you.
bernardfromwayland wrote:
Want to set up Genius Bar appo
Please take a few minutes to read through the 5 pages of this thread. When you do, you will find that no one here can set up an appointment for you. You need to do it yourself, and there are links throughout this thread for you to use.
Since you have a totally different problem then one that started this thread, you really should start you own thread for it. Post a complete description of your problem and what you have tried to do in an attempt to resolve it.
Then read through the several pages of this thread, and you will find the method to make an appointment. You cannot do it here, and no one here can do it for you. This is a user to user technical support forum, and Apple does not participate here. Good luck.
I have been trying for 1 hour in your run around to simply make an appointment with
the genius bar at the Plaza Apple store in Kansas City MO....had one appointment..
why was that easy but then had to cancel and now I am into the loop of all loop
Just please let me make an appointment rather than drive 1 hour to the store and
not be helped...
Please please
This is a user to user forum. Apple is not here. If you need to get an appointment at an Apple Store, read this thread. Otherwise, I would suggest starting your own thread and explain in detail your problem.
Follow the instructions here:
Or to book a free workshop, select your preferred Apple Store here and follow the instructions:
1. Click on this link:
Genius Bar Reservation and Apple Support Options - Apple
2. At the bottom of the page, click on "Get hardware help".
3. Follow the further instructions as prompted.
Click on "Get hardware help" here (towards the bottom of the page):
How to schedule an appointment at apple store