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MacOS: Unable delete saved wifi networks

Hi. I seek to clean out my historic preferred wifi networks on a device running current macOS.

These are duly listed in System preferences / Network / Advanced.

I have tried highlighting preferred networks and deleting them. I have tried disabling wifi prior to executing deletion. But each time then the [long] list of preferred networks is successfully deleted .... until i restart the device, at which time they re-appear.

How do I permanently delete a selection of preferred wifi networks?

OS X El Capitan (10.11.4)

Posted on Nov 20, 2016 7:55 AM

17 replies

May 25, 2017 9:38 AM in response to ewanger

I was able to successfully delete old remember wifi networks by removing the mac from icloud keychain:

System Preferences->iCloud-> Uncheck iCloud keychain.

I told it to delete the files from my mac. Not sure if this step is required or not.

This appears to work.

At some point, I'll put icloud keychain back on and see if the old junk reappears or not.

But, in the immediate term, this workaround does appear to work.


Nov 20, 2016 2:03 PM in response to John Galt

Thanks John, interesting article. So iCloud Keychain is overwriting my revised local settings - great feature, ugh.

Seems a sledgehammer solution to a nail problem. Is the only way to remove prior wifi networks through permanent disenablement of icloud keychain on all devices? All or nothing? How delete anything on iCloud keychain if auto-populates?

At risk of a frankly dumb question ... can I directly edit the contents of my icloud keychain (so that it neatly populates all devices) rather than the device keychain (that gets overwritten)?

Nov 20, 2016 2:20 PM in response to RossM

I do not know the reason Apple considers that a useful feature. In fact when the Preferred Networks list grows excessively large it can result in an inability to connect.

... can I directly edit the contents of my icloud keychain

No, but the somewhat tortured workaround is to use Apple Configurator to manage your devices through profiles you can control: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/apple-configurator-2/id1037126344

Nov 20, 2016 2:32 PM in response to RossM

On my Mac, under Sierra, I went to System Preferences > Network, went into advanced settings on my WiFi and highlighted the item I wanted to delete, and deleted it by clicking the '-' sign.

It told me that this would vanish for my other iCloud Keychain enabled devices, so I imagine it has.

User uploaded file

There is also an OK button at the foot of the screen that box spawns from. It is probably advisable to click it, because that may be the "gosh, save those changes" button

With regard to your reappearances after restart, it may be that the synch through iCloud to your other devices needs time to happen. We probably need an expert to tell us about that.

Nov 20, 2016 3:13 PM in response to John Galt

Thanks John. Yes, untimely wifi connection initiated my exploration of this topic.

Interesting re Apple Configurator. Aside from the pretty knarly reviews then I note that this appears to apply only to iOS not MacOS devices. That said, have you experience in use of this application to indirectly impact the icloud keychain so that it impacts MacOS devices of the same Apple id?

Nov 20, 2016 3:18 PM in response to Lurkums

Thanks Lurkums

Yes, a good idea. Alas the network removal is temporary. Next time the device is restarted - or perhaps auto-connects to iCloud - then the removed networks magically reappears (seeming re-inserted from the iCloud keychain). As odd as this sounds then, if you're curious, try.

It seems that this issue has been gurgling for multiple years ... Deleted preferred networks reappear

Nov 20, 2016 6:28 PM in response to RossM

It's not an ideal solution. The situation I wanted to address was a number of traveling iPhones and iPads that would connect to public Wi-Fi networks all over the place, resulting in populating the "preferred networks" list on desktop Macs that obviously never go anywhere. The tortured workaround is to limit the Wi-Fi networks the iOS devices would use by "forgetting" every network that was not in the preferred SSID list. Then, create one profile containing a list of SSIDs and passwords for all managed devices to use, and install them on all the devices.

Nov 21, 2016 1:21 AM in response to RossM

Having left my iPhone overnight no old networks reappeared on my MacBook. If i knew where to look on my phone I could see if they were there, too. The ones I deleted were historic, and many miles away, some collected on my Mac some on my phone.

One gotcha that I often forget is the APPLY button on System Preferences > Network which is greyed out unless needed. I Applied last evening. It is easy not to do this, and is, I think, the only place it needs it.

I rebooted my phone this morning. No reappearance so far... But who knows when it schedules its next synch operation!

Nov 21, 2016 6:39 AM in response to Lurkums

After several more hours of active use on Mac and phone, no old networks have reappeared.

Let's go back to basics, if we may. I know when I get too familiar with my Mac I miss steps. There seem to be two steps that are missable:

  • In System Preferences> Network> Advanced, after using the '-' sign to delete a network, there is on OK to press. Worth doing even if it genuinely has no effect
  • In System Preferences> Network after pressing OK, above, if you have made changes, the APPLY button is no longer greyed out. That needs to be pressed.

I have no idea if this is a real solution, or just my Mac and phone combination not (yet) showing these symptoms you describe, or whether you have done all of these steps yourself. Since the issue has been around a while its unlikely that I have stumbled on the solution where no-one else has! Still worth double checking, though.

Dec 19, 2016 7:56 AM in response to Lurkums

Thanks Lurkums, I really appreciate your thoughtful diligent input.
I understand the process that you outline. Have done it multiple times over multiple months. Carefully. The effect - for me - is alas temporary. Saved networks are removed for a period of time - say several days, a couple weeks rather than a few hours - then reappear. I do not know triggering cause - other advice suggests perhaps at occurrence of iCloud keychain sync. Curious if the networks that you deleted a few weeks ago still remain removed?

Dec 19, 2016 8:17 AM in response to RossM

So far none of the networks I have deleted have reappeared. Significant time has elapsed.

Before you tell me so, I agree that it is bizarre that you and I have different experiences in such a basic area. It's not as if the deletion of a WiFi network is technically difficult. But it is technically cumbersome. It is always possible that the networks I deleted will return one day, but I am geographically removed from them, so there is nothing to prompt their reappearance.

When things like this happen the only suggestion I have is the one that sounds patronising, which is to work through the deletion of a single network, perhaps taking screenshots of your deletion process for your own records, noting when you have clicked buttons. I apologise for the patronising-appearing suggestion. It goes back to my IT roots in the mid 1970s where we all solved our arcane programming problems by describing them to another person, often not actually needing them to answer, since light dawned, if light was going to dawn, during the explanation phase.

Dec 19, 2016 9:02 AM in response to Lurkums

Thanks Lurkums, both for checking and for the insight. Can't argue with diligent records. I'll keep track. As a backup potential solution then I've also disabled Keychain sync on iCloud - seems daft but I never store passwords in Safari anyway. My network deletion is not as selective as you outline - rather than deleting a single saved network then I seek to delete all saved networks other than my home wifi ... I've even tried deleting all saved networks and all network locations and etc. But the rascals always seem to sneak back. My list of saved networks is quite long, as built over quite a few years. But these days then I never access public wifi, a view beyond this technical enquiry, so all those coffee shop and hotel networks are both redundant and undesirable. Should I stumble upon a solution then I will post, in case of help to community. Thanks again.

MacOS: Unable delete saved wifi networks

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