GarageBand "Hard Rock" Guitar plucking instead of sustaining
I have a student in one of my music classes using the hard rock guitar MIDI instrument. When they select the instrument for their MIDI sound, the instrument will sustain while they hold down a key on the USB keyboard. After a few minutes the instrument will change from holding to plucking the note and note sustaining. They do not change any settings and I watched them to make sure it they didn't change anything by accident. They are on GarageBand version 10.1.3. It has happened for a few versions now so I am not sure if it is a bug or something else.
They are on OS X 10.10.4 and have a mid-2010 iMac with a 3.06 GHz i3 processor with 4 GB RAM.
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.4), Core i3 processor