How do you centre page numbers in Pages?
I am using Pages 5.6.2 and am baffled by the number of changes made to the functionality compared to earlier version I was using.
Anyway - totally simple things like:
1) How do you centre Page Numbers? ( They are only at the extreme left of the Header - and another defect, because it seems you can only add them via adding a Header as opposed to having them independently available, it means that you have to create yet another text box just to add a second Header that would have text in a different place but centred.. %&^%&^*? - Or have I misunderstood something?
2) For centring text - where are the "all left, in the middle or all right' ( as per the very paragraph options in the control bar of this very forum post... ) ?
OS X El Capitan (10.11.5), Macbook Pro early 2015