My last repair (please see my post above) was around March end. Today is April end. And low and behold, previously the "T" key was broken, and now I have exactly the same problem with the "G" key. When I received my computer after repair the last time, the repair paper they give you showed me that they pretty much gutted the whole system--logic board, i/o boards etc. were all replaced. Probably the only 2 things left were the battery and the screen. So, now that I have the problem again with the G key, I am back to square one. I mean exact same problem twice with a computer that I have only had in my hands for 4 months is ridiculous. And it cost me $3500! Apple Support is not sympathetic either (they used to be, not anymore). In the golden days, for something like this, I would have been offered a replacement and an additional benefit for the trouble. Now, they all read from a script (the way HP/Dell do)--the fact that this is only 2 times, the policy is that if it breaks 3 times, only then it is replaced. Which, at this rate, I am predicting is going to happen sometime end May / Beginning June. I wish I could get this message to the Internet World so that they stop buying Apple hurting them where it hurts most. This is such a disappointment, I mean I am thinking of throwing this in trash and probably buying Windows least 50% cheaper if not more, and you know what you are getting into with them (bad service), so no high expectations. With Apple, I've probably had high expectations but really one of the most horrible products they have made. I only wish more people notice and this is reported on CNN or something and the stock takes a dive! I am going to try my best to report this to influential blogs, Consumer mags, sites, etc. I've had it.