Mac Pro 5.1 Double GPU (Power Supply Solutions)
Like many creative professionals, I am still using the old tower Mac Pro. I work in the 3D and SFX field and therefore need decent GPUs. Until now, I have used a GTX 680 Mac Edition, which has worked fine. I still want to install a second GPU, a GTX 980 (Ti?). As I already have a GPU for the boot screen, I will not need to flash it, making this my best options.
I assume I can't use both GPUs through the internal power supply (PSU). Could anyone please guide me through my options? So far I have found 3 options:
- The "Pixlas" mod. Although I think this guy is running two GPUs through the internal PSU, which I am not a fan of.
- Adding an external PSU where the lower DVD drive sits and using the "paperclip trick" to turn it on and off with the Mac Pro. That seems to require soldering though.
- Adding an external PSU in an external case. I wouldn't mind that, but can't seem to find instructions on that! What would happen if I turn the PSU on while the Mac is running?
I have read that the internal Mac Pro PSU provides 1000 W, but I don't know if that is enough to power both GPUs and the Logic Board (I have a single Xeon W3565 CPU).
Mac Pro, macOS Sierra (10.12.1)