Parts of Screen appear as black boxes (Macbook Pro end 2016)
I had a apple support call today to fix this issue but nothing helped. After some time applications begin to have black boxes instead of "contents". In Mail i can´t see the written mail but the header. In messages i can´t see the Messages but the contacts and my inputbar. It´s really weird. After restart it goes away but returns after a while. Have to restart 3-4 times daily 😟
Sometimes the boxes are not black but i can see the desktop behind it, like if there is a hole?
Steps we went through with support today:
- Reset PRAM (3x)
- Clear Caches
- Search for Malware
- Removed Safari Preferences
- Pressing Shift + control + alt + power (Don´t know what that does)
Has anybody the same issue?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, macOS Sierra (10.12.2), 2016 Modell with touchbar