Iphone 6s low internal memory
Hi, i recently got iphone 6s 64GB, but i have internal memory of 118MB and cant install my apps. How to solve this? Thx
Hi, i recently got iphone 6s 64GB, but i have internal memory of 118MB and cant install my apps. How to solve this? Thx
With only 118MB of storage left, you are going to have to remove some content from the device. It is almost completely filled.
It says its actualy total internal memory space.
internal storage toal space 118mb
phone storage total space 57.60GB
With a 64GB phone you should have Capacity of 57.6, and what is the available storage? You can find this in Settings>General>About. If the available is the 118MB, that is nothing. You would not be able to update anything, or download anything. You need to delete some content from the phone to be able to do anything. Check how much you have in Photos, mail, messages, things you can delete.
phone storage has available 46.73gb but internal memory has total space of 118mb...
Where are you seeing this statement "internal memory total space"?
Settings>General>Storage has two sections, Storage, and iCloud. Both report total Storage, and Available Storage, not internal memory.
Sry its internal storage not internal memory.
Okay, that is what I was expecting. If you are that low on storage on the phone, you are going to have to delete content. If you are seeing where available storage on the phone is 118MB, you are not going to be able to do anything with that device until you delete content.
its not available for internal storage, its total for it!
phone storage has 50gb but im talking about internal storage. Got phone recently and it has no content on it...
Alright, we just seem to be going back and forth here. Can you go to that page on the phone, take a screenshot and post it here?
I've never seen anything like that before. What version of iOS is this, or is your device jailbroken?
There shoudnt be any changes to it, tho now i worry is there some malfunction or even iphone copy, checked serial but dunno if they can fake that too...
I'm sorry, but that doesn't look like anything I've seen before. Where did you purchase this device from? An iPhone ts should be be updated and running the latest iOS, which at this time is iOS 10.2. If you go to Settings>General>About>Model, what do you see there?
Iphone 6s low internal memory