Safari wants to use the “Local Items” keychain.
I'm running 10.12.2
I keep getting messages such as:
Safari wants to use the “Local Items” keychain.
Mail wants to use the “Local Items” keychain.
<<some app of service>> wants to use the “Local Items” keychain.
And then it prompts me for my keychain pass. Usually it's when I need to enter a pass somewhere, but not always. On the other hand, sometimes the keychain does correctly autofill my password, and doesn't ask me to enter the keychain pass. My unscientific guess is that it asks around 10%-15% of the time and autofills the pass without an issue the rest of the time. I've been trying to figure out what triggers and ask and what doesn't, but to no avail.
Googling the issue, I came across
The "Solved Answer" in that question does not apply to me, when I lock and then unlock my keychain it never said to reset my icloud keychain. I have set a custom local keychain password, different than my system admin password, for additional security. I suspect this may be a hangup in my case.
I've also tried these directions multiple times:
- Open terminal
- cd ~/Library/Keychains
- ls
- When you 'ls' here you will see a folder that contains a bunch of random number liks so:
- 94ED610F-DD96-4ECF-A2BC-7D2F8651A464 (this number is unique on each system)
- rm -rf 94ED610F-DD96-4ECF-A2BC-7D2F8651A464
- Reboot
- <when you log back in everything should be back to normal>
No joy on getting the problem to go away. Even though it prompts me for a pass only 10%-15% of the time, if during an average day you think that you maybe need to put in around 100 passwords, that's 10-15 prompts a day. Very annoying.
If anyone has a solution to this, I'm all ears! Thank you.