Verification code without other device
Name of dog?
Name of dog?
What if I don’t have access to a trusted device or didn't receive a verification code?
If you're signing in and don’t have a trusted device handy that can display verification codes, you can have a code sent to your trusted phone number via text or a phone call instead. Click Didn't Get a Code on the sign in screen and choose to send a code to your trusted phone number. You can also get a code directly from Settings on a trusted device. Learn how to get a verification code.
What if I don’t have access to a trusted device or didn't receive a verification code?
If you're signing in and don’t have a trusted device handy that can display verification codes, you can have a code sent to your trusted phone number via text or a phone call instead. Click Didn't Get a Code on the sign in screen and choose to send a code to your trusted phone number. You can also get a code directly from Settings on a trusted device. Learn how to get a verification code.
The apple id sent a verification code but does not send a message to the phone
please, me!
In addition to e-mail, apple id said to subscribe to the phone number, but the phone does not come with a confirmation message
Verification code without other device