AppleScript Photos App copy filename to textedit or Numbers
Problem: I've imported a large image library into Photos (using iCloud library). However i know a number of photos or videos didn't get imported ~ not sure why. To troubleshoot I want to compare the 2 sets of filenames in Numbers/Excel (library names before i imported & the actual names in the Photo library).
I'm trying to leverage AppleScript to help me out. Should be simple enough to grab the file name for selected images or an album name. I just don't have enough experience to figure it out.
The following will get me the image name of the first selected image, but how do i get a selection of, say, 200 and then post those results in Numbers/Excel or even Textedit?
tell application "Photos"
set theSelecteMediaItem to item 1 of (get selection) -- the first selected photo
set theFilename to filename of result as text
end tell
Anyone with some applescript experience that could post a solution?? thanks folks.
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), macOS Sierra (10.12.2)