Shikage08 wrote:
I want my iCloud Photo Library to keep updating but it thinks my pc is full... which it's not. How do I fix this?
Welcome to the club, ShikageTerminal 1.
Many people experiencing these problems with Apple's iCloud PhotoLibrary in iCloud for Windows.
I suggest to read this discussion on it: Wasting Disk Space
In the following posting I write about exactly the same issue you have: my PC (C:-drive) suddenly was full! : Re: Re: Re: Wasting Disk Space
Furthermore, I suggest you try the workaround/solution that I posted in the following 'article' : Re: Re: Wasting Disk Space
I assume you encouter the same problems many people experience that are described in the discussion and postings I refer to above. It has now been 2 years since that thread was posted and still... Apple does not offer any solution for it. Remarkable.
Good luck,
PS: I am thinking of setting up a Blog about this, to get more attention to this flawed system of Apple for Window users.