Make sure that you have backed up your own music. Apple music is not a back up service and will only retain your music on their servers for 30 days. You may find that you need to let Apple Music rescan your library.
Make sure that you have backed up your own music. Apple music is not a back up service and will only retain your music on their servers for 30 days. You may find that you need to let Apple Music rescan your library.
Make sure that you have backed up your own music. Apple music is not a back up service and will only retain your music on their servers for 30 days. You may find that you need to let Apple Music rescan your library.
You lose the all services that Apple Music provides until you start paying again. As far as your content it's saved to iCloud so when you go back to paying for Apple Music everything will be there.
What happens if I don't pay my Apple Music for a month?