How secure are Apple notes?
Ok so I am not terrorist, and don't have anything I need to hide legally, but the whole internet privacy thing has motivated me recently to take some steps to making my digital world a little more private and secure.
I am a regular journal write and am considering Apple Notes. I used to write on paper, and I also used to have a Windows 'app' that was backed up on a USB key not online.
Nowadays though it's so convenient to have cloud based backups and synchronising. So would like to journal on something with this capability, mainly for the backup not so much about he synchronisation.
If I do my journal writing on Apple notes and lock the notes, are they EVER accessible by anybody else? I know Apple potentially can give away encryption keys for iCloud as they did with the case in the US, but what if my Apple Notes are locked, can these be ever accessible by anybody else?
I am putting in a little effort here to get myself back to a feeling of writing my inner most thoughts with a feeling of privacy, instead of feeling that maybe somebody can read then, it disrupts the flow of writing knowing that people could potentially someday access my journal, it's a bit extreme I know but it's worth 2 mins here just trying to understand this privacy concern.
Any info will be appreciated here :-)