GillesFK wrote:
Thank you for your message. I am wondering how your answer is helpful. It is probably an automatic response.
The truth often is.
I just got my Apple Watch a week ago. And where the glass bubble sits on my wrist is where I get pain. I never had pain there until Apple Watch. I have always worn a watch before. And never had pain from any watch before. I have no skin rash. No redness. Just pain. I’m not wearing the watch too right as I can move the watch, but it’s nit too loose. And the pain is only where the glass bubble sits. I see I’m not the only person complaining. So this isn’t just an issue for a doctor. This is an issue Apple needs to have some concerns on! When people are spending hundreds of dollars on a watch, it shouldn’t be giving us a medi problem that we have to spend more money going to a doctor! I say maybe some lawyers need contacted.
GillesFK wrote:
Thank you for your message. I am wondering how your answer is helpful. It is probably an automatic response.
The truth often is.
As it seems that you are extensively on this forum, would you have by any chance a contact detail of someone at Apple that I could contact? That would be helpful. Thanks a lot.
The link to Contact Apple Support is at the top of this page, on the right.
Could be issues with tendons/ligaments/nerves. I hope you find some relief.
You need to contact a doctor, not a representative of Apple.
I have turned the haptics off and for 3 weeks --no more wrist pain.
I can confirm. Wrist pain started last week. Wearing AW1 since july 2015. had no pain before.
NerdsGeeksGurus wrote:
Is it possible that an update to the watch may be responsible for these issues?
No. No software update could change the shape of the watch or the tightness of the band.
Yes it can, as it has nothing to do with the shape or tightness of the band, it is being caused from the watches sensors that measure you heartbeat.
I assume that you some attribution for that absurd statement. A study of some type.
Wait till you get it and then do some experiments of your own, until then you will need to trust the many people who are getting it that it is not from the band being tight.
Lucky you, as you do not get the pain then do not make judgment on what causes it hey!
On the one hand we have science, on the other there is you. I'll make my choice.
Then what gives you the right or the evidence to make the judgement as to what causes it? Seems your just guessing.
That's is funny, as science is opening your mind to all the possibilities, but you are welcome to believe what you want.
Apple Watch causing wrist pain