Hi! I solved this problem just today after a very long nightmare. So, try to follow these steps:
- first of all, install another Browser (Firefox)
- export your Favourites if you are afraid to loose them ("Bookmarks", "Bookmarks Manager", "Organize" and choose "Export to HTML files")
- exit from Chrome
- go to the "Applications" folder and drag the Chrome icon into the Trashbox.
- Then click on the "Go" button on the upper Finder tool bar, choose "Go to Folder" and write this command:
~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome
- select all the Chrome folders and all the Chrome files displayed (you are inside the Chrome folder that is still inside your OS) and drag all of them inside the Trashbox
Now Chrome is completely uninstalled from your OS. Now:
- open Firefox, download the Chrome.dmg file from the Chrome official site and open it
- drag the Install file inside the "Application" folder
- launch Chrome
Now you have a "virgin" and "clear" Chrome installation. Then You have to:
- sign in with your Google account
- import your Bookmarks (but I think they will be already there after I have logged in)
- uninstall Firefox if You want or use both of them if You want.
I really hope this will help you, let me know if it works.