How do I find out if my iPhone is unlocked
How can I find out if my iPhone 6plus is unlocked
iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 10.2.1
How can I find out if my iPhone 6plus is unlocked
iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 10.2.1
The easiest way is to insert a SIM into the phone and see if it works. If you see an error on the screen about the SIM not being supported, then the phone is locked. You would then need to find out what carrier the device is locked to and check to see if they offer unlocking services. If they do, find out if you qualify and what you have to do. Check with whomever you purchased the device from if it is locked.
The easiest way is to insert a SIM into the phone and see if it works. If you see an error on the screen about the SIM not being supported, then the phone is locked. You would then need to find out what carrier the device is locked to and check to see if they offer unlocking services. If they do, find out if you qualify and what you have to do. Check with whomever you purchased the device from if it is locked.
That's the thing I don't have another card I am using att but wanted to go with Verizon but I didn't want to go to the store till I find out if it's unlocked 1st I had bought my iPhone 6plus of the street and I wanted to no 1st
and if carrier says not its not locked to them calling apple 1-800-275-2273
they might be able to check to see what carrier the phone is locked to if its under ur name etc
but theres no guarantees on that
and if carrier tells you to call apple to unlock phone apple doesn't do that
If you purchased the device off the street and it is working with AT&T, I would venture to guess it is locked to AT&T. You can check with Apple and they can tell you if it is locked to AT&T. If it is, then you would need to request that AT&T unlock your device. Only the carrier that has the lock can authorize the unlock.
Ok thanjs
You're welcome.
How do I find out if my iPhone is unlocked