Is a legit website
Hi I received this email earlier today - it directed me to this site!&page=signin
Is it legit?
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
Hi I received this email earlier today - it directed me to this site!&page=signin
Is it legit?
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
Have to agree with Neil.
The address is a real Apple website for managing your Apple ID.
However, the E-mail is fake, as Apple will always address you by the name you have on file with them, and never as Dear Customer.
The underlying link in the mail may very well be sending you to a different place altogether, to phish out your Apple ID and password.
Also, a real email from Apple will specifically request you change your password, not update your information.
No, it's not. An email which actually came from Apple will have the recipient's name instead of Customer in the first line; the email posted is otherwise very similar to a real one.
for clarification I now agree with Niel, I'm just showing the OP what the Apple one looks like. I was not clear.
yes, it's from Apple
someone, possibly even you signed into iCloud with your account on a iPhone or iPad using iOS 10.0.3 for the first time on that device.
The displayed website address is, but the one the link is actually to probably isn't. Don't submit any personal information there.
I don't have an iPhone 7, and my iPad is sitting in my back out of battery.
I have a real one as well. They'll have the recipient's name in the first line; ones with only 'Customer' are fake.
Is a legit website