Is Applecare available in Thailand for the SE iPhone?
I will buy the phone from the Apple Store Thailand.
Can I buy Applecare for it?
I will buy the phone from the Apple Store Thailand.
Can I buy Applecare for it?
I posted my question while the Thailand Apple Store was closed but I've sebsequently contacted them and gotten the bad news, Neil. I'm not interested in proving you wrong but the old policy of only offering Applecare for iPhones in countries that have a physical incountry Apple retail Store still remains. The only countries (?) that have retail Apple Stores in SouthEastAsia are Hong Kong and China so far. China and Hong Kong have numorous stores.
Sadly for me I find Applecare Is NOT available in Thailand for iPhones.
I hope this information helps others living in Thailand
I posted my question while the Thailand Apple Store was closed but I've sebsequently contacted them and gotten the bad news, Neil. I'm not interested in proving you wrong but the old policy of only offering Applecare for iPhones in countries that have a physical incountry Apple retail Store still remains. The only countries (?) that have retail Apple Stores in SouthEastAsia are Hong Kong and China so far. China and Hong Kong have numorous stores.
Sadly for me I find Applecare Is NOT available in Thailand for iPhones.
I hope this information helps others living in Thailand
I just finished talking to an iphone rep. I was told that apple care for the iphone was not available in Thailand. Please note that I was asking about the X, but his reply was that it was not available for Iphone.
Yes, it is.
Thanks Neil,
I was afraid the Applecare is only available in countries that have a full fledged Apple store as opposed to an Apple reseller such as iStudio.
Great news!!
Is Applecare available in Thailand for the SE iPhone?