How do I restore Safari 10.3.1 ability to access the photo library with input type="file" capture="camera"
In Safari 10.2.1 an html5 file type input with a capture="camera" tag on it offered users the option to either take a photo with their camera, choose a picture from their photo library, or choose a photo from their iCloud Drive.
In 10.3.1 the same input type goes directly to the camera without the option of choosing a photo the user already has. I have a website where the user needs the ability to upload high resolution photos of full page documents for later printing and review. Readability of these documents is very important. The 'straight to camera' option does not let the user change any camera settings for resolution.
I still want the user to be able to take a picture with their camera in instances where high res is not needed, but is there a way to restore the photo library/iCloud drive options?
iPhone 7, iOS 10.3.1