The iMacG3 400DV upscale model was shipped with the orange iMac 8.6
install CD although it had a CD/RW & DVD/player; w/ FireWire400. Also the
upscale model has a hidden video-out port for external display. The DV
model was good movie player and included 'A Bugs Life' on DVD.
About the optical drive; it may be upgraded (to DVD/CDRW) if suitable
replacement could be located. There are these articles from iFixit; also
some related info on Maybe new or used parts.
iMac G3 Model M5521 Repair. ... Repair guide for this iMac to replace the
optical drive. iMac G3 Model M5521. 5 Answers . 2 Score. How do I open the ...
went on site which had no spares for the optical drive. iMac G3
Model M5521 ... Repair Guides Answers Forum Parts & Tools Store Teardowns ...
Apple Service part replacement for iMac G3 (M5521) ... CD-ROM Drive, Slot-Loading,
24x. 661-2224 ... repair, and service for a ...
Otherwise the specs are somewhat alike; these are grouped together.
I may still have a universal Mac OS8.6 install CD (instead of update to
be used with 8.5 CD) that was not available retail; was a tech version.
Because several of those sellers may suggest they won't accept returns
you may feel lucky if you get what works, and if not, they may take it back.

The 'orange disc' has fair or better odds of working; the only reason why
it may not, would be if they were to have changed the ROM version. This
may affect how it installed in an iMac400 DV (with combo optical drive)
compared to the lower-end iMac350 of same series. So it may just work.

A later Firmware Update 4.1.9 (link to official archive download was
in a different ASC discussion) is needed to go past Jaguar 10.2.8.
• iMac Firmware Update 4.1.9: Information and Download
I'd installed it in my Lime iMac400DV because previous owner may not
and the unit suffered logic board issues; and then saw some repairs.
Because the 350GHz model of this build series cannot use Tiger 10.4
there may be other shortcomings with software, internet access, etc.
The Classilla browser from maker of TenFourFox is likely or only one.
Hopeful the disc choice(s) may work out; this model (or the 400MHz
version of mine) had a fair selection of original software. Not sure if
there was a workable iTunes or if it was culled. One for Tiger works
(9.2.1) but not for earlier MacOS. Was good for free internet radio.
Good luck & happy trails! 🙂