Write Review on iPhone App Store (iOS 10.1.1)
Hi Team,
I am unable to submit the review from iPhone App Store, below are the steps i have followed :
1. Open AppStore
2. Search for the App which i have installed
3. Tap on "Reviews" tab
4. Select "Write Review" button
5. I see a screen to choose stars, enter title and description.
6. After entering the relevant information, i hit on "Send" button.
7. The "Write Review Screen" simply disappears.
Expected Result:
1. I should see some confirmation as my Review is submitted.
Actual Result:
1. I don't see any confirmation alert.
2. Screen disappears.
3. If i Tap "Write Review" again it shows all my old text what i have written, looks like as if its not submitted.
This is my friends App, he has logged into iTunes Connect portal to see if the review is showing up on his App Portal, he can't even see the review as submitted.
iPhone 7, iOS 10.1.1