iPhone 6 Plus - Static Screen?
Hi -
I've had my iPhone 6 Plus for a while now. I kept it always in a protective portfolio-style case.
Starting a few weeks ago, when I turned my screen on, it would be what I can only describe as a static mash of pink and purple pixels. Looks exactly like those old "3D" books when I was a child (early 90s), where you would stare at a bunch of crazy patterns and go cross-eyed until a "3D" image would pop out of it. Dunno, hard to explain that if you've never seen them. It wasn't a big deal, as I usually just turn the screen off, or back on, sometimes it would go away after a few moments. Didn't happen 100% of the time, but was just weird.
More recently, occasionally I would turn my phone on and find that the graphics would be choppy, like scrolling would happen very block-like, again hard to explain without being able to show - but anyone familiar with what it was like to have cheap graphics cards back in the day and try to watch videos not able to handle on it, would know what kind of choppiness I'm describing. This would also happen when I watch my videos on the iPhone, or even when recording videos the live feed would appear choppy. When I'd download the recordings onto my computer, they would play fine without any glitches. To fix this, I would just restart my iPhone and it was fine again.
Then most recently, colors would start to be off, and graphics would chop and appear where they aren't supposed to be on the screen. It really started to go haywire the other day and I turned off my iPhone to reset it again, but as soon as I did the screen returned to the "static" again, but this time it wouldn't go away.
I tried resetting the iPhone, both hard and soft resets, letting it run out of battery and trying again, taking out my SIM card, pretty much everything. It's still responsive, when turning on it still vibrates, the screen turns on/off like normal just everything is static. I can even hear the beep when I get an email or when I get a call, except the touchscreen is not responding.
I tried to backup my phone on iTunes but since I have a passcode it won't access without me entering it. I can't enter it because 1. I can't see anything and 2. Even remembering the position, the touchscreen doesn't appear functional.
This is very frustrating, normally I wouldn't care less since I have insurance I would just replace it, but since I can't even backup my iPhone and the insurance companies don't help you retrieve it.
I'm planning on going to the Apple store this week, or at the very least AT&T, but found it troubling and strange that nobody else online seems to have this problem? I tried many search terms, only people with android phones seem to have a similar problem. Am I the only one on iPhone?
Anyone else have any idea what this is?
iPhone 6 Plus