emoji keyboard not showing up at all
My emoji keyboard wont show up on my phone anymore, I tried to restart it and even updated my phone but it still will not work.
iPhone 7 Plus, iOS 10.3.1
My emoji keyboard wont show up on my phone anymore, I tried to restart it and even updated my phone but it still will not work.
iPhone 7 Plus, iOS 10.3.1
The problem I ve emoji on iphone ...restared my phone... reset my keyboard ....updated my IOS ....by i as i add emoji to my keyboard while choosing emoji for using my apps shut down...as watsapp or text msging .... helppp plss
The problem I ve emoji on iphone ...restared my phone... reset my keyboard ....updated my IOS ....by i as i add emoji to my keyboard while choosing emoji for using my apps shut down...as watsapp or text msging .... helppp plss
Hi! I added an animated emoji keyboard to my IPhone 7plus that won't show up & I don't know how to manually add it. I've gone to keyboard under settings app but there's no way to let me type it in?
The keyboard that came with my new iPhone 8 plus didn‘t have an emoji keyboard or emojis included. Doesn’t show in settings keyboards. How can I download the original keyboard or will I have to reset the phone or maybe wait for the next update? Thanks Steve
Try: Settings-General-Keyboards-Keyboards-Add New Keyboard and then find Emoji
Good Luck🙂
Edit: if the emoji keyboard already is in the list swipe than from the right to the left and delete it first and then add a new keyboard😉
Go to Settings>General>Keyboard>Keyboards. Do you see "Emoji" listed? If not, tap on "Add New Keyboard...." and add it back.
Have you modified the phone in any way?
Use emoji on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support
emoji keyboard not showing up at all