How do I record an acoustic piano using GarageBand?
I'm trying to record an acoustic upright piano using GarageBand on my iPhone. I was using the Voice Memos app previously, but the sound was distorted. GarageBand allows adjusting the recording input level on the slider called "IN", so I figured this would prevent distorted recordings.
So far, I figured out not to choose "KEYBOARD" but to instead choose "AUDIO RECORDER", as the former brings up a facsimile of a keyboard but doesn't seem to allow recording of an acoustic instrument.
To start the recording, I pressed the button with the red dot, but all that happened was where the metronome turned on for eight bars and then the recording stopped.
Could someone explain how I can make a recording please? Also, could someone explain what the "Tone", "Presence", "Compressor", and "Room" knobs do?
GarageBand is no doubt more powerful than Voice Memos, but also more complicated.
Thank you very much for any help in advance.
iPhone 5, iOS 10.3.2