why cant I see my iphone 7 in my Itunes 12.6?
why cant I see my iphone 7 in my Itunes 12.6?
connected via a working USB 3 and just backed up to icloud (if that helps decipher this)
on a PC with MS Win 10 OS
why cant I see my iphone 7 in my Itunes 12.6?
connected via a working USB 3 and just backed up to icloud (if that helps decipher this)
on a PC with MS Win 10 OS
I can see device manager now and the IPhone appears under "Portable Devices" as "Apple IPhone"
I right clicked and chose update driver and chose internal search in my computer and did the upgrade see below PNG
I turned the Itunes of then on but still I cannot see my iPhone in the top bar!
I also before that updated al USB drivers / controlers but chose online search and al told me I have the most recent version of it (this laptop was purchased in April of this year so as the IPhone 7)
Try the advice just below step 10 in iOS device not showing in iTunes for Windows. Is there no sign of the device appearing in one of the named sections when you connect it? Is there another named section that might suggest a mobile device?
What version of iOS is on the device?
What build of iTunes is installed?
What was the last build that worked?
Do you have any non-Microsoft anti-virus which could block communications?
Assuming there is at least one image in the camera roll and you unlock the device before connecting to USB does it shown in Windows Explorer?
IOS: 10.3.3
Never, my first time trying to link IPhone and Itunes
AV is Avast, a quick check did not bring any relevant communications blockage
Yes I can see al my iphone pictures in the Windows Explorer
Reboot the machine, run iTunes, unlock the device and connect to USB. Any change?
See also Restart the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) on Windows - Apple Support.
Just wanted to ad that my iPhone 7 is originally unlocked
That did not work
I do not see the USB drives (I only have one in this HP laptop) however under devices I do see "iphone" and when I R click and see properties everything looks normal
Have you tried explicitly selecting new drivers for the device as shown in steps 4 through 10?
No because in Win 10 there is no device manager like shown, you get a list of devices that are connected (USB is not one of them)
Perhaps you're not opening the device manager. See https://www.drivereasy.com/knowledge/a-common-and-easy-way-to-access-device-mana ger-in-windows/.
No Change...same no change after stopping and restarting the AMDS then rebooting!
At this point I'm tempted to suggest installing iTunes and/or stripping out Avast and seeing if either works.
why cant I see my iphone 7 in my Itunes 12.6?