can't open ftf file
Using my iPad for work and trying to open a .ftf file created in safari. Is it possible?
iPad Pro Wi-Fi, iOS 10.3.3
Using my iPad for work and trying to open a .ftf file created in safari. Is it possible?
iPad Pro Wi-Fi, iOS 10.3.3
Using Safari, I fill in forms on a website I use for work and then it takes those fields and creates a PDF with fields already filled in (based on my form input on the previous screen). On my phone, it is showing the PDF as An FDF file and won't open.
FDF is a text file format used by Adobe Acrobat. FDF files are used for text filesexported from .PDF files. FDF files are smaller than .PDF files because they only contain the form field data, and not the entire form.
When you say it wouldn't work, do you mean you couldn't get the iPhone to open the file?
When it tried to open the file, it didn't' recognise or manage to open it?
If this is at work, perhaps you need to speak with the work's IT department to see what they recommend to use for this work flow.
What is an FTF file and where are you getting it from?
could it be that you mean tft which is a widely used format made by microsoft as a poor mans word ?
I recommend you install and use Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can download it for free from the App Store.
It would be more compatible with Acrobat FDF files.
I tried adobe and it wouldn't work :(
can't open ftf file