MacBook Pro Startup w/ black boxes white text. Restarts over and over
I made a huge mistake and left my computer on sitting on a soft surface. I got caught up. It never went to sleep per usual. I don't usually do this. :(
When I returned it attempted to startup and I got through the loading screen then that gibberish below. It repeats that cycle over and over.
This computer give some me nothing but problems but it's all I got and I can't buy a new one right now. I replaced the hardrive twice, and replaced the SATA cable as well. Was just getting to replacing the keyboard. Someone help.
MacBook Pro A1378
Running Sierra
Just installed lots of Adobe CC programs. Last thing I remember was Photoshop not starting because of a disk error before I forgot to close my laptop.
Edit: I had installed Fuse, Character Maker, Exerience Beta. I installed a version of Sculptris I had from my backups. Could it cause a kernel panic?