How do i attach a photo to emails on an ipad?
Yes - this has been raised before, but it now has a new twist ... so be patient.
There are two ways to attach an image (according to previous posts):
1. Type out the email first, touch the background of the email for a moment or two and you can either select "insert photo or video" or "Add Attachment". The first inserts the photo "in line" with the text - no good if you are sending to someone who wants to save the photo separately. The second should allow you to select a photo from the photos on your iPad - but doesn't. It diverts you to selecting from photos stored on iCloud which is NOT what you want.
2. Start in Photos, select one and use the "share" icon to send by Mail. This is fine for the first photo but runs into the same issues as method 1 if you want to add more.
Apple assumes that everyone uses iCloud to store all their photos. If I did it would cost a fortune -no thanks. The insistance on using iCloud seems to have been introduced at one of the last versions of iOS.
Does anyone know how to circumvent this? We need a simple way of attaching an image to an email on an iPad sourced from the iPad's collection of images. Or this is too difficult to do?
iOS 10.2.1