Fake Purchases
I just received an email on a billing I did not purchase. It requested my login but some logo on the page look suspicious and I need to confirm it before loggin.
iPad (4th gen) Wi-Fi, iOS 10.3.1
I received the same "fake purchase" e-mail, today. The e-mail I received came from "iTunes Store partnersupport@register.com" - and for the same item as you (you got the better price... $20 cheaper than what my e-mail message says...) Still - I'm concerned about this, as I've started receiving these sorts of messages (all related to iTunes purchases I clearly did not make!)... When I've forwarded the fake purchase e-mails to Apple, I'm not getting any response from them, either - which doesn't make me feel real good about this...
I received the same "fake purchase" e-mail, today. The e-mail I received came from "iTunes Store partnersupport@register.com" - and for the same item as you (you got the better price... $20 cheaper than what my e-mail message says...) Still - I'm concerned about this, as I've started receiving these sorts of messages (all related to iTunes purchases I clearly did not make!)... When I've forwarded the fake purchase e-mails to Apple, I'm not getting any response from them, either - which doesn't make me feel real good about this...
Hello, RockinAngels,
It is a scam. Apple provide guidance through these documents but the key factors are … Apple will always address you by your name or the name they know you by and the email will always come from an address that ends ‘@apple.com’.
Remember ... never click on a link within any suspect email
These are the Apple documents you need to keep on hand.
What to do about phishing. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204759
How to identify scam mail Identifying legitimate emails from the iTunes Store - Apple Support
It's a phishing email, it's not from iTunes - you could forward it to Apple : reportphishing@apple.com , and then delete it.
Phishing and similar emails : Avoid phishing emails, fake 'virus' alerts, phony support calls, and other scams - Apple Support
Genuine iTunes emails : Identifying legitimate emails from the iTunes Store - Apple Support
Thanks for the reply and assistance.
I didn't dare click on the site again... reason being , it look the same like the iTune payment site.
It prompted me to logging with ID and Passowrd, and that's where I became cautious.
What address is the email from? Where does that Payment Cancellation link lead to? Sure looks fake.
My bogus e-mail came from "iTunes Store partnersupport@register.com" (I forwarded it to Apple.)
This is not an Apple email address, therefore it's a fake.
Thank you for your info 🙂
Thank you very much for your info Seventy One 🙂
Happy to have helped.
Fake Purchases