There are some other iTunes tricks that might be useful. For instance, selecting a track or a batch of tracks, then tap the 3-dot symbol (or Control-click, or 2-finger tap) > Add to Playlist > New Playlist. Or adjusting the order in which columns are listed (by dragging around column headers), so information that's pertinent to what you're doing is easier to see without looking all over the screen.
It's always worth poking around a bit and discovering things, with Apple products in general. My experience with iTunes in particular, these past few versions, is that most all of the old functions are still there, somewhere, though maybe obscured by new layers of the interface. I still pine for DJ Shuffle (or whatever that was called), though Up Next is a serviceable replacement.
Also, never hesitate to avail yourself of the forums here, because so often there is a solution, or at least a workaround, for whatever it is you're trying to do, and there are absolute masters like turingtest2 who will know about it.