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Book Antiqua font for Apple Mail?

I am trying to create an email signature for one of my Apple Mail accounts. A critical part of the signature must be in Book Antiqua font, but that font is not offered in Format/Show Fonts. My question is how do I get that font for Apple Mail?

Suggestions much appreciated,


MacBook Pro with Retina display, macOS Sierra (10.12.6)

Posted on Sep 17, 2017 5:56 PM

7 replies
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Sep 18, 2017 9:25 AM in response to don@mosman

Hi don@mosman,

I understand that you are trying to create a signature for Mail, but you are unable to set a specific font for one section of that signature. I'm happy to provide some help for this.

While the signature preferences do normally support setting the font, there's a way to work around this. I recommend composing a new message in Mail, and editing your signature there:

Mail for Mac: Format text in Mail

Once you have the signature formatted correctly, highlight and copy it and head to Mail > Preferences > Signatures, and make sure that "Always match my default message font" is unchecked before pasting your formatted text into the new signature window:

Mail for Mac: Signatures preferences in Mail

Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities. Cheers!

Sep 19, 2017 5:23 AM in response to VikingOSX

As it turns out, Book Antigua is installed by the operating system, but in a location that is not in the default search locations for fonts. Thus, it won't be visible in the Show Fonts panel.

My previous post is correct once you make an adjustment in Font Book to include the Font, and make it available to the Show Fonts panel. There are two alternatives to resolve this.

  1. Copy just the BookAntigua.ttc font into your local Library Fonts folder. [Simplest]
    1. Ensure that the Library folder is visible within your home directory

      If not, open a Finder window, click command+J, and select Show Library Folder

    2. In Finder, press shift+command+G (Go to Folder), and copy/paste the following into it:
      /Library/Application Support/Apple/Fonts/iWork
      1. Option-Drag (copy) the BookAntigua.ttc font to your home Library folder's Fonts folder
      2. It will now be visible in the Show Fonts panel.
  2. Add a new Font Collection in Font Book
    1. Open Font Book (Launchpad : Other : Font Book)
    2. At the bottom of Collections in the left panel, click + to add a collection
      1. Name it iWork and press return
      2. Right-click on the iWork Collection name, and from the secondary menu, Add Fonts...
        1. The dialog may open to the /Library/Application Support/Apple/Fonts folder that also shows the iWork folder. If true, click on the iWork folder, and then click the Open button. The fonts will be added to the iWork Collection. You may have to activate them, or just Book Antigua.
        2. If not in the above location, Find the Library entry on the location selector, and manually navigate to the above iWork folder location. Then click open to populate the iWork Collection.

Sep 19, 2017 4:50 AM in response to MoonJ.

Hi MoonJ.

Thank you for your kind response. I have tried the method as you suggested. However, the font Book Antiqua is not showing as available in the menu: Format/Show Fonts, when accessed from either compose new message or Mail > Preferences > Signatures.

Do you have another suggestion?




Sep 19, 2017 5:30 AM in response to raina_b22

Book Antigua is not among the standard fonts. It is installed by the operating system into:

/Library/Application Support/Apple/Fonts/iWork

That location, oddly enough, is not among the standard font search locations for the operating system. Consequently, one must add that folder of fonts as a new collection to Font Book, before automatically becoming visible in the Show Fonts panel, or application font menu. See my instructions for this process elsewhere in this post.


Book Antiqua font for Apple Mail?

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